

62nd ICSB World Conference

“Towards a new world mobilized by innovative SMEs and Entrepreneurs”

Buenos Aires, June 28th – July 1st, 2017

Parallel sessions

Submission # Last Name First Name Title DAY TIME ROOM
132 Acevedo Karla El rol del gobierno en pymes en países latinoamericanos en desarrollo: el caso de Honduras y Costa Rica July 1 10:15 109
132 Acosta José El rol del gobierno en pymes en países latinoamericanos en desarrollo: el caso de Honduras y Costa Rica July 1 10:15 109
5 Albakri Anas Variations in the Organizational Interfaces increased Opportunities of the Innovating New Technologies for Entrepreneurs in the GCC June 29 14:45 201
14 Alencar Vasconcelos Vanessa Relação entre orientação empreendedora, capacidade de inovação e munificência ambiental em pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras June 30 14:45 236
147 Alencar Vasconcelos Vanessa Intenção empreendedora e desenvolvimento de carreira de estudantes universitários de uma instituição de ensino superior July 1 10:30 101
342 Al-Kwifi Osama Benchmarking small firm marketing practices in emerging and developed economies June 30 14:30 106
341 Al-Kwifi Osama Exploring the Influence of Home Country Factors on Rapid Internationalization of Companies from Emerging Economies June 29 16:00 222
94 Almeida Lopes Rose Mary A importância das incubadoras de projetos no ambiente acadêmico a experiência da escola de negócios SEBRAE-SP alencar burti June 30 15:30 218
164 Alonso Orozco Triana Jairo La intención emprendedora y el efecto de la experiencia en Startups: teoría del comportamiento planeado. June 29 15:45 121
59 Alremeithi Eissa The influence of individual determinants on independent and corporate venture creation in Spain June 30 16:00 222
122 Amador Dumois Maria Modelo del Proceso Administrativo en la Enseñanza Colaborativa en un Curso de Introducción al Desarrollo Empresarial June 30 15:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
87 Andrés María Fernanda La instalación en una incubadora de empresas desde la perspectiva de los emprendedores tecnológicos. June 30 14:45 218
217 Antoldi Fabio International Knowledge Transfer in the Field of Business Advice Services to smes: An Empirical Analysis of the Successful Partnership between SEBRAE (Brazil) and ALTIS (Italy) June 29 15:30 201
246 Antoldi Fabio Trust and Control in the Management of Strategic Networks of smes: an Empirical Analysis on a Sample of Italian Network Contracts June 30 14:45 215
193 Aoyama Yuko Catalyzing Social Innovation: Transnational Social Entrepreneurship in India June 29 15:45 128
91 Arbués Carneiro João Bosco A viabilidade de implantação de um projeto: estudo de caso em uma indústria cerâmica no município de Juscimeira/MT. June 29 16:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
133 Arbués Carneiro João Bosco Análise Dinâmica do Capital de Giro: um Estudo Aplicado a uma Empresa Varejista de Materiais de Construção em Rondonópolis ? MT July 1 10:15 217
91 Arenhardt Ramon Luiz A viabilidade de implantação de um projeto: estudo de caso em uma indústria cerâmica no município de Juscimeira/MT. June 29 16:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
133 Arenhardt Ramon Luiz Análise Dinâmica do Capital de Giro: um Estudo Aplicado a uma Empresa Varejista de Materiais de Construção em Rondonópolis ? MT July 1 10:15 217
306 Bae Zong-Tae International Comparison of Humane Entrepreneurship: Status, Typology and Policy Implications June 30 15:30 116
318 Bae Zong-Tae Humane Entrepreneurship: Measurement, Dimensions and Further Research June 30 14:30 116
207 Ball Joan Designing Innovative Services for the Long Haul: Insights from a 400 Year Old Service Organization June 29 16:00 128
315 Bandera Cesar Profit and Dynamic Knowledge Creation among New Ventures in the Kauffman Firm Survey June 29 15:00 222
324 Bandera Cesar What you see is what you get: images of the entrepreneur and their impact on entrepreneurship education June 30 15:45 201
36 Barletta Florencia Perfiles de I+D, capacidades y desempeño económico en las firmas industriales argentinas June 30 15:00 236
126 Barrere Gabriela Innovación y exportaciones en PYMES ¿Qué viene primero? June 29 15:15 121
114 Barros Castro Ricardo Abad Evaluación Sistémica de la Estrategia en una unidad de negocio familiar. Caso exploratorio – Taller de Confección Hilada Usme (Bogotá) June 29 15:00 121
132 Belkhir Lotfi A Science-based Model for Sustainability Statements:Application to GHGE Global Reduction Goals June 29 15:15 128
280 Belkhir Lotfi ICT Global Emissions Footprint: The Imperative for a New Computing Paradigm July 1 09:45 218
260 Bell Robin Entrepreneurial perspectives on the venture start-up phase: A Q methodological approach July 1 10:15 113
24 Beltramino Nicolás Impacto del capital humano sobre el rendimiento de las microempresas: un estudio empírico en argentina July 1 09:45 109
261 Ben Tahar Yosr Entrepreneurial storytelling : A mean for legitimacy and opportunity exploitation. June 30 15:00 215
262 Ben Tahar Yosr Entrepreneurial burnout : theoretical and empirical discussion July 1 10:30 113
129 Brites Benitez Guilherme Avaliação de produtos de uma fábrica de brinquedos utilizando a clusterização de dados e análise multicritério July 1 09:45 217
35 Bernat Luisa Fernanda Diferencias en la escalera de progreso en emprendimiento en América Latina June 29 14:30 121
274 Bertrand Gael Key Survival Factors (KSF): what change when we look at the time machine? Evidence from France for newly founded firms between 2002 to 2005 June 30 16:15 113
136 Besson Neris El Castillo Hotel: un caso de estrategia “océano azul” adaptada al entorno argentino. July 1 09:45 201
227 Bezerra Éder Danilo Rethinking the Life Cycle Paradigm in the University Spin-Off Research July 1 10:00 113
157 Biga-Diambeidou Mahamadou The Effects of Environmental Jolt and Team Engagement on Slack Resources – Firm performance Relationship June 30 14:45 106
252 Biga-Diambeidou Mahamadou The Effect of Social Entrepreneurial Activity on Social Value Creation: A Qualitative Study on Social Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka July 1 09:30 218
119 Blumberg Boris Investors’ Rationales for Herding on Equity Crowdfunding Platforms June 29 14:45 122
53 Bohlmann Clarissa The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship: How Age Influences Entrepreneurial Activity Through Perceived Opportunities and Skills July 1 10:45 113
115 Bonomo Adriana ¿Qué influye en la intención de emprender en los estudiantes universitarios uruguayos? July 1 10:45 101
62 Borello Jose El “cluster” audiovisual de Buenos Aires: Orígenes, características y perspectivas July 1 09:30 109
285 Botti Antonio Going along with equity crowdfunfing: an analisys on the determinants of crowdinvestors’ decisions July 1 10:00 215
64 Boughattas Yosra Entrepreneurial learning process: The case of community of practices June 29 15:00 201
50 Braune Eric External financing perceptions by Sub-Saharan Entrepreneurs: a Qualitative Approach June 29 15:30 122
138 Briozzo Anahi Corporate Governance Attributes and Listed smes Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from Different Economics Environments June 29 15:45 122
298 Brites Benitez Guilherme Real options applied to decision support – an investment analysis in retail units oppening June 29 16:00 236
304 Brites Benitez Guilherme Economical/Financial Benefits of Companies Participation in Horizontal Cooperation Networks – A Systematic Review June 30 16:00 202
166 Butryumova Nadezhda Legal Barriers and Obstacles to Innovation Entrepreneurship in Russia June 30 14:45 202
249 Byrd Kimble The strategic impact of sme innovation activity: the relationship between r&d intensity and firm performance in the u.s. and japan June 29 14:45 106
282 Byrd Kimble Developing Learning Communities of Practice for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship on University Campuses June 29 16:15 215
302 Caceras-Lutzlow Leah Entrepreneurial Thinking for Employability (ENTENTE) July 1 10:30 106
126 Cachon Jean-Charles Exploring Gender Differences in SME Performance: Evidence from Canada July 1 09:30 222
122 Capps Jennifer Creating a Campus Wide General Education Entrepreneurial Experience June 29 15:00 215
167 Carrero Morales Gisela Internationalizing SMEs from Island territories: A Domestic Interfirm Networks Approach June 29 15:00 113
137 Carrero Morales Gisela Propensión emprendedora de estudiantes universitarios de Puerto Rico (Estudio gest) June 30 15:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
322 Carrero Morales Gisela Entrepreneurship: key to economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean? July 1 10:30 212
12 Cassol Alessandra A influência das competências dos gestores de micro e pequenas empresas brasileiras no desempenho organizacional June 29 16:15 121
121 Cassol Alessandra Práticas de gestão financeira de curto prazo das pequenas e médias empresas do meio oeste catarinense June 29 16:00 121
14 Cassol Alessandra Relação entre orientação empreendedora, capacidade de inovação e munificência ambiental em pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras June 30 14:45 236
61 Castro Carrijo Michelle Ensino do empreendedorismo e sua influência na vontade de empreender: um estudo no curso de Administração da FAGEN-UFU. June 29 16:00 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
253 Chamberlin Tyler Entrepreneurial Failure in Technology-Based Firms June 29 15:00 106
200 Chamberlin Tyler Prosocial attitudes and academic entrepreneurship July 1 10:00 236
141 Choi David Do startups create jobs? A new look at the process of job creation July 1 09:45 113
28 Chosco Díaz Cecilia Análisis de una empresa sustentable con valores cooperativos July 1 10:30 127
337 Clavijo Sandra Integrating entrepreneurial thinking currently with capstone senior design experiences in engineering curricula. June 30 16:00 201
198 Cleroux Pierre The difficult transition of Canadian mid-sized firms to large June 29 15:30 113
98 Corral Silvia Diversificación del negocio familiar en un contexto inestable: un marco conceptual desde la perspectiva SEW. July 1 10:30 201
92 Corzo Lilia Equidad territorial en la ejecución de programas públicos de financiamiento a pymes en la provincia de Buenos Aires July 1 09:30 217
87 D’ Jorge María Lucia La instalación en una incubadora de empresas desde la perspectiva de los emprendedores tecnológicos. June 30 14:45 218
127 Daily Louis Challenges of Lebanese Women Entrepreneurs July 1 09:45 222
319 Daily Louis Understanding Entrepreneurship: Which metrics are important? A Case of Romania June 29 15:15 222
5 Dal Belo Carneiro Leão Ana Luisa Bases científicas para estudos sobre propensão ao empreendedorismo: uma análise de cocitações July 1 09:30 101
6 Dal Belo Carneiro Leão Ana Luisa Aspectos cognitivos e afetivos nos estudos organizacionais: um estudo bibliométrico July 1 09:45 101
141 de Brito Morigi Josimari As incubadoras de empresas e o fomento ao empreendedorismo: um estudo sobre a Fundação Educere de Campo Mourão-Paraná-Brasil June 29 15:30 121
142 de Brito Morigi Josimari Contribuições da capacitação empreendedora: breve descrição do Programa Bom Negócio Paraná – apoio a micro, pequenos, médios e informais empreendedores July 1 10:00 101
122 De Hoyos Moraima Modelo del Proceso Administrativo en la Enseñanza Colaborativa en un Curso de Introducción al Desarrollo Empresarial June 30 15:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
60 De Hoyos-Ruperto Moraima De una Iniciativa a un Ecosistema: La experiencia transformadora de la iniciativa Innovación Colegial al UPRM E-ship Network (Red de Emprendimiento de la UPRM) June 29 15:45 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
39 De Oliveira Guimarães Liliane Proposição de um modelo de avaliação de antecedentes do empreendedorismo corporativo July 1 09:45 127
61 Degen Ronald Jean Reasons for the Almost Complete Absence of High-Growth Ambition and Innovation Activity of Early-Stage Entrepreneurs in Brazil June 29 15:45 222
111 Dionne Steven Value Uncertainty, Bidder Reputation, and Organizational Rapport in Buyouts: Lessons from Private Equity Groups June 29 15:15 122
115 Domboka Thomas The Role of Education and Training in Business Start-Ups – The case of Black African Migrants in Britain June 29 14:45 215
207 Dominguez Martín Designing Innovative Services for the Long Haul: Insights from a 400 Year Old Service Organization June 29 16:00 128
180 Dones Virgin El techo de cristal como factor de impacto en la oportunidad de desarrollo profesional y emprendimiento femenino. June 30 16:15 218
179 Dones Virgin La mujer ante el techo de cristal / glass ceiling en empresas familiares en puerto rico. July 1 10:00 201
172 Dutto Martín The European market of energy saving solutions: the case of a German startup June 30 15:15 222
173 Dutto Martín Analysis of generic Blockchain Technologies and their implications for smes June 30 15:30 222
321 Escobales Lisa What Else Can I Do? Learning and Teaching English as a Second Language June 29 15:30 222
322 Escobales Lisa ESL Teaching Case Study: Accent, Intelligibility and Comprehensibility June 30 16:15 215
322 Escobales Lisa Entrepreneurship: key to economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean? July 1 10:30 212
99 Fadil Nazik The Impact of Voluntary Audit and its Quality on the Credit Access of French smes July 1 09:30 215
72 Farias Albuquerque Alexandre Fatores de Mortalidade relacionados ao Dirigente, à Organização e ao Ambiente da Pequena Empresa: Estudo de Casos em Empresas do Varejo de Vestuário June 29 14:45 121
86 Farias Albuquerque Alexandre Qual é o Problema? Aplicação do Método PBL na Disciplina de Administração de Pequenas Empresas June 30 14:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
3 Figueiroa Zica Roberto Marinho Empreendedorismo e Inovação como Agentes Indutores de Estratégia em Pequenas Empresas June 30 14:30 236
68 Figueroa Rivera Eileen Encuentros de Mujeres Empresarias: Poderosa herramienta para potenciar emprendimiento en la mujer July 1 09:30 Auditorium – San Agustín Building
49 Fistarol Kruger Roseli Inserção de tics no ensino fundamental, desempenho escolar e formaçao de empreendedores: limites e possibilidades no contexto brasileiro June 29 15:30 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
45 Fistarol Kruger Roseli Desafio Metodológico na Investigação da Visão da Sustentabilidade em Pequenas e Médias Empresas Industriais (pmeis) June 30 15:15 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
91 Fonseca de Andrade Renato Características e resultados de redes sociais de incubadoras de empresas de base tecnológica do estado de são paulo July 1 09:15 109
153 Fowler Fábio Roberto Hackathons as Entrepreneurship Development Programs. A Case Study: Maker Hacklab June 29 15:15 215
226 Fowler Fábio Roberto Maker hacklab: a maker methodology to foster iot startups experiences and creation June 30 15:00 201
288 Fowler Fábio Roberto Agrosmart: a brazilian startup making tropical agriculture digital June 30 15:45 215
283 Fowler Fábio Roberto Entrepreneurial Education as a Journey: the experience of the Entrepreneurship Center of UNIFEI (Federal University of Itajubá) July 1 09:30 106
39 Francois Valérie Encountered problems and growth in innovative new ventures June 29 16:15 106
253 Freel Mark Entrepreneurial Failure in Technology-Based Firms June 29 15:00 106
200 Freel Mark Prosocial attitudes and academic entrepreneurship July 1 10:00 236
139 Freiling Joerg Does Hubris Fuel Entrepreneurial Transformation? A Novel Perspective on the Performance of Core Entrepreneurial Functions June 30 15:00 222
105 Freiling Joerg Fear of entrepreneurial failure – opening the black box July 1 09:45 236
140 Freiling Joerg Capital Structure of Urban Startup Ecosystem July 1 10:45 212
38 Freire De Araujo Gracyanne A colaboração como prática de ensino-aprendizagem do empreendedorismo: a experiência de empreender um festival cultural June 29 15:00 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
241 Gabarret Ines Unemployment, business creation, and growth: the moderating effect of human capital June 29 14:30 106
238 Gabarret Ines All by myself: The desire for independence and the growth of new companies June 30 15:45 106
120 García Pedro Propuesta para la creación del observatorio metropolitano pymes en méxico July 1 10:00 109
138 García-Olalla Myriam Corporate Governance Attributes and Listed smes Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from Different Economics Environments June 29 15:45 122
183 Gasda Jean Michel Transactional and relational manager-organization relationships` impact on sme manager’s ambidexterity June 30 16:15 222
295 Gavira Muriel Clean energy entrepreneurs’ strategies to compete and growth: a multi-case study of challenges from developing countries July 1 10:00 218
76 Gerlitz Laima Integrating regional smes into global networks: industry 4.0 as opportunity for smart and sustainable development of the networked sme June 30 15:15 106
89 Gibson Brian How small business is valued– An Overview of Valuation Methods in Thailand June 29 15:00 236
131 Glick Rafael The Israeli Technological Model July 1 10:30 236
102 Gomez Monica Cecilia Ser pyme hoy July 1 10:15 201
120 González López Rosa María Propuesta para la creación del observatorio metropolitano pymes en méxico July 1 10:00 109
196 Gosende María Dolores Factores que determinan la capacidad Innovadora de las pymes Argentinas June 29 15:45 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
195 Gosende María Dolores Design Thiking, hacia una cultura más Innovadora July 1 09:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
269 Grama-Vigouroux Simona How open innovation activities and open innovation competencies impact on value creation? The case of Latvian University Business Incubators June 30 14:45 113
190 Grama-Vigouroux Simona Perceptual differences between SMEs and cluster governance What impact on the open innovation activities of SMEs in a French technopole? July 1 10:45 236
101 Guercio Belen Un estudio comparativo de las decisiones de financiamiento del sector de software y del sector de Videojuegos June 30 15:30 236
17 Hakala Henri Promoter roles in Finnish Bio-economy Ecosystem Development June 30 15:15 202
91 Hänninen Kai Growth intentions and sales growth in sparsely populated area micro-firms June 30 15:30 106
202 Harima Aki The role of NGO’s promoting refugee entrepreneurship: Comparing three institutional environments June 30 16:15 202
140 Harima Aki Capital Structure of Urban Startup Ecosystem July 1 10:45 212
331 Heinze Ilka Social aspects in regard to learning from failure June 28 10.00 Doctoral seminar*
324 Helmy Myriam What you see is what you get: images of the entrepreneur and their impact on entrepreneurship education June 30 15:45 201
21 Herranz Gazquez Alessandra Determinantes da Internacionalização de Pequenas e Médias Empresas de Software: um estudo multi casos com empreendedores do Estado do Paraná e da Comunidade Valenciana June 29 14:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
98 Hsieh Chihmao Effort perceptions versus autonomy concerns: How does conflict dissatisfy members on nascent entrepreneurship teams? June 29 16:15 113
324 Iandoli Luca What you see is what you get: images of the entrepreneur and their impact on entrepreneurship education June 30 15:45 201
332 Iannone Rosa Lisa Beyond wealth: An examination of minorities in entrepreneurship June 28 10.00 Doctoral seminar*
79 Ibarra García Sabrina Las actividades de innovación de las firmas jóvenes y su relación con el crecimiento empresarial. Una exploración a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de Dinámica de Empleo e Innovación (ENDEI) June 30 14:30 218
103 Janczak Sergio Deep Learning in Entrepreneurship Education: Fostering Playfulness and Cultural Diversity June 29 14:30 215
110 Janczak Sergio The gazelle companies: Their drivers and some evidence from the field June 30 16:00 106
68 Junbua Jirapa The Mediating Effect of EO on Learning Organizations’ Performance: A Conceptual Examination June 29 15:15 201
75 Junbua Jirapa Six Entrepreneurship’s schools of thought: New Empirical Evidence July 1 09:30 113
210 Kang Myung Soo A Study on the Success Factors affecting Innovation Capability June 30 14:30 215
314 Kang Myung Soo The Impact of Humane Entrepreneurship on Business Ecosystem and Economic Development June 30 15:00 116
318 Kang Myung Soo Humane Entrepreneurship: Measurement, Dimensions and Further Research June 30 14:30 116
147 Karambakuwa Roseline Determinants of Exports among smes in Zimbabwe June 30 15:45 113
9 Kasabov Edward Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Rural China June 29 14:30 128
10 Kasabov Edward Exploring Regional Dimensions of ASEAN’s Most Successful Craft Entrepreneurship Initiative June 30 15:30 202
8 Kasabov Edward Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship in Early-stage and Peripheral European Locations: The Role of Periphery and Nascence July 1 09:30 236
178 Kato Atsushi “Entrepreneurial attitude growth map” of housewives entrepreneurs through exploratory data analysis July 1 10:00 222
317 Kelley Donna Unemployment, State Taxes and Entrepreneurship June 29 16:15 128
210 Kim Byoung Jai A Study on the Success Factors affecting Innovation Capability June 30 14:30 215
214 Kim Hyeram The Impact of the government’s startup support program on the entrepreneurial traits of individuals and Startup intention June 30 15:00 202
306 Kim Ki-Chan International Comparison of Humane Entrepreneurship: Status, Typology and Policy Implications June 30 15:30 116
314 Kim Ki-Chan The Impact of Humane Entrepreneurship on Business Ecosystem and Economic Development June 30 15:00 116
318 Kim Ki-Chan Humane Entrepreneurship: Measurement, Dimensions and Further Research June 30 14:30 116
214 Kim Moonsun The Impact of the government’s startup support program on the entrepreneurial traits of individuals and Startup intention June 30 15:00 202
128 Kim Yong A Strudy on the Strategy to Remove/Reduce Technical Barriers to Trade(tbts)between Korea and Central, Caribbean&South America June 29 14:45 113
314 Kim Yong Jin The Impact of Humane Entrepreneurship on Business Ecosystem and Economic Development June 30 15:00 116
185 Klein Juergen Should we use Massive Open Online Courses in the field of Entrepreneurship Education June 29 16:00 215
119 Kleinert Simon Investors’ Rationales for Herding on Equity Crowdfunding Platforms June 29 14:45 122
115 Krauss Catherine ¿Qué influye en la intención de emprender en los estudiantes universitarios uruguayos? July 1 10:45 101
8 Kulfas Matias Financiamiento a mipymes en Argentina. Una evaluación de la experiencia regulatoria del Banco Central a partir de la Línea de Créditos de Inversión Productiva, 2012-2015 June 30 15:45 236
16 Laguir Issam Transmission of CSR requirements in supply chains: investigating the multiple mediating effects of CSR activities in smes June 29 14:45 128
107 Laguir Issam Corporate tax aggressiveness in family French smes June 29 15:15 236
106 Laguir Issam MSE growth through innovation in developed and developing countries: What matters? June 30 16:15 106
156 Lam Tak Ming Integrate Service Learning and Entrepreneurship in Building a Sustainable Enterprise for Underprivileged Communities in China June 29 15:30 215
209 Lam Tak Ming Campus and Communities Seed Funding Schemes Motivates Students to Learn Better Entrepreneurship Subject July 1 10:00 106
297 Lam Tak Ming Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Integration in Building a Sustainable Enterprise for Underprivileged Communities in China July 1 10:15 218
307 Lam Tak Ming Integrate Service Learning and Entrepreneurship in Building a Sustainable Enterprise for Underprivileged Communities in China July 1 10:30 218
308 Lam Tak Ming Entrepreneurship Business Venture Simulation Game is Good for Entrepreneurship Education, Learning and Knowledge Dissemination July 1 10:15 106
45 Lamare Manjabosco Dedilhana Desafio Metodológico na Investigação da Visão da Sustentabilidade em Pequenas e Médias Empresas Industriais (PMEIs) June 30 15:15 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
292 Law Florence My Start-up Company and I. What Else? An Exploratory Study of the decisions of Nascent Entrepreneurs to Make, Buy or Ally in the Context of Innovative Business Creation. June 30 15:15 113
214 Lee Byung Heon The Impact of the government’s startup support program on the entrepreneurial traits of individuals and Startup intention June 30 15:00 202
263 Lee Jeonghoon How leadership leads to task performance through trust and felt trust? June 29 15:30 106
174 Lee Sang-Myung A Study on Growth Factors of Korean Gazelle smes June 29 15:15 113
60 Lima Edmilson Aprendizagem no processo do empreendedorismo estratégico June 30 15:30 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
173 Lima Edmilson Aprendizagem organizacional e equipamentos de direção em pequenas empresas: o caso de uma empresa do setor alimentício July 1 09:30 201
293 Lindsay Noel The roles of entrepreneurial education and training, gender, self-confidence, and perceptions of the appropriateness of becoming an entrepreneur in a developing economy July 1 10:15 222
320 Linge Kavoo Challenges of ICT Adoption of Small Medical Firms in Nairobi Kenya July 1 10:15 236
287 Linge Teresia The application of marketing mix in small green grocer firms in nairobi kenya June 30 15:30 215
186 Lohmann Christian The Relationship between Personal Social Capital and Organizational Social Capital in Small and Medium-Sized Firms June 30 16:00 215
254 Luczka Teresa Alternative Sources of Financing for SMEs in Poland in the Light of Empirical Research June 29 16:15 122
255 Luczka Teresa Women’s entrepreneurship: selected aspects July 1 10:30 222
100 Luscri Il Professor as Fund Manager: Reflections on Learning by Doing July 1 09:45 215
182 Maalaoui Adnane Losing my religion!” or How to reduce Anxiety toward future ? An entrepreneurial cognitive perspective June 30 14:45 222
202 Maalaoui Adnane The role of NGO’s promoting refugee entrepreneurship: Comparing three institutional environments June 30 16:15 202
181 Maalaoui Adnane Entrepreneurial alertness and intention of disabled People: Investigating the mediating role of perceived Health July 1 10:45 218
128 Magalhães Olivense Do Carmo Hérmani Identificação e exploração de oportunidades de negócios em competições de empreendedorismo June 30 15:15 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
254 Małecka Joanna Alternative Sources of Financing for smes in Poland in the Light of Empirical Research June 29 16:15 122
255 Małecka Joanna Women’s entrepreneurship: selected aspects July 1 10:30 222
180 Marcano Nieves Leila El techo de cristal como factor de impacto en la oportunidad de desarrollo profesional y emprendimiento femenino. June 30 16:15 218
179 Marcano Nieves Leila La mujer ante el techo de cristal / glass ceiling en empresas familiares en puerto rico. July 1 10:00 201
187 Mariano Henrique Is financing entrepreneurs destroying jobs? The role of Venture Capital in job dynamics. June 29 16:00 122
148 Marrero Ralats Carolina Enactus RUM: Fusión entre el Emprendimiento Social y el Aprendizaje en Servicio Co-Curricular, Extracurricular y curricular June 30 15:45 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
289 Marshall Frank Understanding the Process Small Businesses Use to Capture, Convert, and Integrate Survival Knowledge June 30 15:30 201
112 Martín Marisel La gestión del emprendedorismo desde los Gobiernos Locales. La experiencia del programa Ciudades para Emprender June 30 15:00 218
109 Martinez Lisana Un estudio exploratorio de las pymes de Videojuegos en Argentina vinculado con el acceso al finaciamiento externo. July 1 10:30 217
151 Marulanda Valencia Flor Angela La autoeficacia percibida: factor motivacional para la creación de empresas en los emprendedores mipes del valle de aburrá June 30 15:45 218
111 Mascheroni Fabián Instrumentos de financiamiento para emprendimientos de base tecnológica en argentina. June 30 16:00 236
273 Matthews Charles New Venture Funding: Identifying a Founder-Funder Exchange Model (FFX) July 1 10:15 215
79 Mazwai Edmund South Africa introduces programme on high growth entities to find employment generating small businesses June 30 14:30 202
228 Mbogo Marion The Influence of Employees Competencies on the Use of Hybrid Management Accounting Expertise for SMEs Sustainable Growth in Kenya June 30 16:00 113
167 Méndez-Lazarte Christiam Medianas empresas de productos agrícolas no tradicionales de rápida internacionalización: un caso peruano basado en innovación y especialización de algas. June 29 15:15 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
250 Meyer Hartmut Blue Ocean Stratey – A new way for SMEs to survive in the niche market? June 29 16:15 236
194 Meyer Hartmut The effects of global nationalization trends towards future business behaviour. An empirical analysis by the German Chambers of Commerce and industry to measure the effects of the BREXIT July 1 10:00 212
197 Meyer Hartmut Analysis of the entrepreneurial Eco-System in Innovation Driven Countries A Cross Country Analysis between Germany and Slovakia July 1 09:45 212
179 Mitra Jay Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Well-being: A case study of a social enterprise. June 29 15:30 128
80 Mittelstaedt Ewald The Entrepreneur’s Dead Souls – A Teaching Case Regarding Nikolaj Gogols Classic Novel „Dead Souls“ to Foster an Enlightened Entrepreneurship Education June 29 16:15 201
132 Montañez Jose El rol del gobierno en pymes en países latinoamericanos en desarrollo: el caso de Honduras y Costa Rica July 1 10:15 109
291 Morero Hernan Alejandro The international surveys of FLOSS (free/libre open source software) firms June 29 14:45 222
158 Mroczkowski Nicholas Job Creation and Innovation among smes in Australia June 29 15:30 236
169 Mussol Sarah Content production and co-production in social media for SME’s: The case of tourism offices in the South of France June 29 15:45 236
261 Mussol Sarah Entrepreneurial storytelling : A mean for legitimacy and opportunity exploitation. June 30 15:00 215
62 Ng Poh Yen Family business in the UAE: Examining the bright and dark sides of socioemotional wealth on performance. June 29 14:30 236
153 Noronha Juliana Caminha Hackathons as Entrepreneurship Development Programs. A Case Study: Maker Hacklab June 29 15:15 215
288 Noronha Juliana Caminha Agrosmart: a brazilian startup making tropical agriculture digital June 30 15:45 215
283 Noronha Juliana Caminha Entrepreneurial Education as a Journey: the experience of the Entrepreneurship Center of UNIFEI (Federal University of Itajubá) July 1 09:30 106
245 Oliveira Sergio A Study on Dental Clinics in the State of Bahia (Brazil) June 29 16:15 222
256 Oliveira Sergio Dyadic relationships of trust and knowledge sharing in cooperation networks between micro and small enterprises for innovation June 30 15:15 201
65 Ronalty Oliveira Rocha A Abordagem Effectuation em Empreendedorismo Social June 30 15:15 218
165 Orazi Sofía Segmentación y caracterización de la demanda de microcréditos en Argentina July 1 10:00 217
53 Orengo Serra Karen Determinantes que Guían las relaciones Mayorista/Minorista de Pymes en la industria de alimentos June 29 15:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
180 Ortiz Maribel El techo de cristal como factor de impacto en la oportunidad de desarrollo profesional y emprendimiento femenino. June 30 16:15 218
179 Ortiz Maribel La mujer ante el techo de cristal / glass ceiling en empresas familiares en puerto rico. July 1 10:00 201
7 Ortiz Norma Aprendizaje por Auto Gestion mas alla del Aula de Clases Tradicional June 29 14:30 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
172 Ortiz Norma Emprendimiento en Jóvenes Universitarios más allá del aula de clases tradicional June 30 16:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
74 Ortiz Soto Maribel Índice de factores de la no la adopción del comercio electrónico business to consumer (b2c) en las pequeñas empresas de puerto rico June 29 15:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
81 Pabón Lancheros Leandro Evaluacion de la adopcion del marketing digital en las micro pymes y pymes de servicios de colombia July 1 09:15 201
76 Padin Zamot Gerardo Perfil Empresarial de los Estudiantes Universitarios: Recomendaciones al Currículo June 30 16:15 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
315 Passineri Katia Profit and Dynamic Knowledge Creation among New Ventures in the Kauffman Firm Survey June 29 15:00 222
51 Peleglini Rocha Guilherme André Estratégia e hospitalidade em pequenos e médios hotéis: um estudo no município de londrina / pr / Brasil July 1 10:30 109
200 Persaud Ajax Prosocial attitudes and academic entrepreneurship July 1 10:00 236
166 Pessoa de Castro Gentil Paula A inovação social em processos de desenvolvimento regional em territórios de mineração: propostas para um modelo teórico July 1 10:45 127
100 Phelan Steven Professor as Fund Manager: Reflections on Learning by Doing July 1 09:45 215
328 Piazolo Marc Hiring Discrimination in the Labor Market: A Teaching Case in Human Resources Management June 29 16:00 113
302 Pietsch Amy Entrepreneurial Thinking for Employability (ENTENTE) July 1 10:30 106
257 Pignanelli Alexandre Export barriers, size and experience: a stratified comparison focusing on small firm? June 29 15:15 106
76 Prause Gunnar Integrating regional smes into global networks: industry 4.0 as opportunity for smart and sustainable development of the networked sme June 30 15:15 106
103 Puccinelli Florencia Los efectos positivos de los programas universitarios de entrenamiento en el desempeño internacional de pymes July 1 10:45 109
322 Quiñones Zulma Entrepreneurship: key to economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean? July 1 10:30 212
286 Qureshi Saad A new taxonomy for family business development and a multi-dimensional professionalisation construct for UK family businesses June 30 15:15 215
130 Rábago Patricia Inserción internacional de pymes argentinas: estudio de casos June 30 16:15 236
89 Ratto Gabriel Feiragora: tecnologia da informação ligando feirantes à consumidores July 1 10:00 127
86 Rizzo Marçal Rogério Qual é o Problema? Aplicação do Método PBL na Disciplina de Administração de Pequenas Empresas June 30 14:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
17 Rodrigues Sousa Antonia Márcia Educação Empreendedora e Teoria da Aprendizagem Experiencial: O caso de uma prática empreendedora em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Brasileira June 29 14:45 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
44 Rodrigues Sousa Antonia Márcia As proezas de um caboclo sertanejo que empreende no peito e na raça: o jeitinho brasileiro de ser empreendedor June 29 16:15 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
160 Rodriguez Candela Gestión estratégica de recursos humanos en pymes de Software y Servicios Informáticos: Modalidades de implementación de políticas de conciliación trabajo-vida July 1 10:45 201
81 Rojas Berrio Sandra Evaluacion de la adopcion del marketing digital en las micro pymes y pymes de servicios de colombia July 1 09:15 201
218 Roomi Muhammad Azam How sustainable enterprises grow: an exploratory study June 29 15:45 113
249 Ross Linda The strategic impact of sme innovation activity: the relationship between r&d intensity and firm performance in the u.s. and japan June 29 14:45 106
221 Sabri Rhita How the innovative business model is important to gain competitive advantage? – The case study of Moroccan startup June 30 15:45 222
268 Saeedikiya Mehrzad Innovation and growth in young firms: Does Intellectual Property Right Enforcement Play a Role? June 30 14:30 113
276 Safari Arsalan Smes’ Failure Factors: Theoretical and Empirical Insights June 30 15:00 113
241 Saidi Sana Unemployment, business creation, and growth: the moderating effect of human capital June 29 14:30 106
238 Saidi Sana All by myself: The desire for independence and the growth of new companies June 30 15:45 106
269 Saidi Sana How open innovation activities and open innovation competencies impact on value creation? The case of Latvian University Business Incubators June 30 14:45 113
190 Saidi Sana Perceptual differences between SMEs and cluster governance What impact on the open innovation activities of SMEs in a French technopole? July 1 10:45 236
190 Salinas Aponte Aldo La relación entre instituciones informales y tipos de actividad empresarial: evidencia desde Latinoamérica June 30 16:00 218
251 Salinas Aponte Aldo Formal rules and informal entrepreneurial activity. Panel evidence from Latin American Countries July 1 10:15 212
56 Salume Paula Karina Governança em clusters: uma análise a partir da dinâmica de sistemas June 30 15:45 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
340 Salusse Marcus How actions related to resource acquisition strategies lead to changes in the new venture idea. June 28 Doctoral Seminar
339 Salusse Marcus Invisible Businesses: The Case of Home-Based Business in Brazil June 30 15:45 202
283 Sant Anna Gabriella Entrepreneurial Education as a Journey: the experience of the Entrepreneurship Center of UNIFEI (Federal University of Itajubá) July 1 09:30 106
288 Sant’Anna Gabriella Agrosmart: a brazilian startup making tropical agriculture digital June 30 15:45 215
173 Santos Enise Aprendizagem organizacional e equipamentos de direção em pequenas empresas: o caso de uma empresa do setor alimentício July 1 09:30 201
282 Schmidt Jackie Developing Learning Communities of Practice for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship on University Campuses June 29 16:15 215
232 Schraven Etienne Predicting crowdfunding campaign success from first impressions June 29 15:00 122
267 Shelton Lois An Examination of High Growth Latino and Black Entrepreneurs in the United States June 29 16:00 106
294 Shepherd Deborah Disciplined entrepreneurship: The foundation of sustainable business growth July 1 09:45 106
63 Siltamäki Marko Effectuation and Causation in the Context of Established Companies – Exploring the Effect on Innovation and Business Growth June 30 15:00 106
25 Silva Glessia Inovação na Pequena Empresa: Por Uma Nova Teoria de Inovação June 30 14:45 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
26 Silva Glessia Como as Pequenas Empresas Inovam? Reflexões e Achados de Pesquisa June 30 15:00 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
27 Silva Glessia Competências de Inovação na Pequena Empresa: Por um Modelo Centrado no Gestor July 1 09:30 127
19 Silva Bomfim Leacristina Evolução temática dos estudos em Empreendedorismo Feminino June 30 16:15 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
188 Solomon George The Impact of Student’s Cognitive Style on Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions: A comparison between Kuwait and the U.S. June 30 16:15 201
306 Song Chang Seok International Comparison of Humane Entrepreneurship: Status, Typology and Policy Implications June 30 15:30 116
314 Song Chang-Seok The Impact of Humane Entrepreneurship on Business Ecosystem and Economic Development June 30 15:00 116
77 Soythong Kusuma The Effect of Human Capital on Opportunity Recognition: A Meta-Analysis June 29 16:00 201
75 Soythong Kusuma Six Entrepreneurship’s schools of thought: New Empirical Evidence July 1 09:30 113
34 Sperotto Flores Francisco Learning and knowledge application process: insights from small agro-enterprises June 29 14:30 201
16 Stekelorum Rebecca Transmission of CSR requirements in supply chains: investigating the multiple mediating effects of CSR activities in smes June 29 14:45 128
107 Stekelorum Rebecca Corporate tax aggressiveness in family French smes June 29 15:15 236
116 Strocchia Marisela Lean practices and sustainability: a must for smes June 29 14:30 113
72 Taji Noriko The Elements of Effectuation: linkedin Case June 30 14:45 201
112 Teixeira Rivanda Pesquisa Qualitativa em Empreendedorismo no Brasil: Revisão dos Estudos Publicados em Periódicos de 2010 a 2015 June 30 16:00 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
19 Teixeira Rivandra Evolução temática dos estudos em Empreendedorismo Feminino June 30 16:15 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
65 Texeira Rivanda A Abordagem Effectuation em Empreendedorismo Social June 30 15:15 218
14 Tonial Graciele Relação entre orientação empreendedora, capacidade de inovação e munificência ambiental em pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras June 30 14:45 236
156 Torres Rodríguez Lizette Gobierno Empresario: El Modelo de Empresa Municipal en Puerto Rico July 1 10:15 127
345 Tounnes Azzedine Environmentally Friendly Intentions: A gendered perspective among Nascent Entrepreneurs June 29 15:00 128
73 Valentin Castillo Patricia Puerto Rico Industries for the Blind, Corp. (PRIFB): Una Empresa social con oportunidad empleo para personas con discapacidad visual June 29 16:15 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
148 Valentin Castillo Patricia Enactus RUM: Fusión entre el Emprendimiento Social y el Aprendizaje en Servicio Co-Curricular, Extracurricular y curricular June 30 15:45 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
122 Valentín Castillo Patricia Modelo del Proceso Administrativo en la Enseñanza Colaborativa en un Curso de Introducción al Desarrollo Empresarial June 30 15:00 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
241 Vedel Benjamin Unemployment, business creation, and growth: the moderating effect of human capital June 29 14:30 106
238 Vedel Benjamin All by myself: The desire for independence and the growth of new companies June 30 15:45 106
88 Veglia Daniela Los nuevos incentivos para el fomento de las pymes de base tecnológica June 30 15:15 236
291 Vélez Juan Gabriel The international surveys of FLOSS (free/libre open source software) firms June 29 14:45 222
67 Verreynne Martie-Louise Small businesses and economic threats: An organisational resilience scale June 29 14:30 222
285 Vesci Massimiliano Going along with equity crowdfunfing: an analisys on the determinants of crowdinvestors’ decisions July 1 10:00 215
107 Vieira Dos Santos Carlos Magno Da conexão ao comprometimento: trajetória, percepção de valor e ressignificação na rede Movimento Vale Empreender June 30 14:45 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
21 Vier Machado Hilka Pelizza Determinantes da Internacionalização de Pequenas e Médias Empresas de Software: um estudo multi casos com empreendedores do Estado do Paraná e da Comunidade Valenciana June 29 14:30 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
22 Vier Machado Hilka Pelizza Elas duraram: Memórias e Trajetórias de Pequenas Empresas Longevas June 29 14:45 Room 1 – San Agustín Building
23 Vier Machado Hilka Pelizza Pesquisa em Empreendedorismo: o desafio de diferentes compreensões do objeto de estudos June 30 14:30 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
197 Vimercati De Sá Eduardo Um estudo analítico e comparativo entre as instituições de ensino superior brasileiras na educação em empreendedorismo: casos múltiplos June 28 10.00 Doctoral seminar*
43 Vimercati De Sá Eduardo Ensino da Gestão de Pequenos Negócios como uma das Dimensões da Educação em Empreendedorismo (EE) June 29 15:15 Room 2 – San Agustín Building
329 Vimercati de Sá Eduardo Como as instituições de ensino superior brasileiras atuam na educação em empreendedorismo? July 1 10:15 101
324 Walsh Diana What you see is what you get: images of the entrepreneur and their impact on entrepreneurship education June 30 15:45 201
80 Wiepke Claudia The Entrepreneur’s Dead Souls – A Teaching Case Regarding Nikolaj Gogols Classic Novel „Dead Souls“ to Foster an Enlightened Entrepreneurship Education June 29 16:15 201
180 Wong Ken International Students and their Identity-Based Social Networks in Hong Kong June 29 15:45 215
20 Wong Ken The Use of Facebook in Hiring Decisions: the case of Insurance Agents in Hong Kong June 30 14:30 222
74 Wongcharee Chanarus Negotiation: Entrepreneurs’ Value Co-creation June 29 15:45 201
75 Wongcharee Chanarus Six Entrepreneurship’s schools of thought: New Empirical Evidence July 1 09:30 113
208 Woods Christine The collective entrepreneurial mindset: an indigenous perspective June 30 14:30 201
265 Yamamoto Satoshi Does Entrepreneurial Orientation Matter in Entrepreneurial Intention, Effectual Behavior and Entrepreneurial Outcomes of Japanese smes? June 29 15:45 106
69 Yanpiboon Tanyanart The Effect of Strategic Alliance on Small Business Performance: A Meta-Analysis June 29 14:45 236
77 Yanpiboon Tanyanart The Effect of Human Capital on Opportunity Recognition: A Meta-Analysis June 29 16:00 201
75 Yanpiboon Tanyanart Six Entrepreneurship’s schools of thought: New Empirical Evidence July 1 09:30 113
78 Yoo So-Jin The Effects of Crowdfunding Success, Patent and Third-party Endorsement in Securing Venture Capital Investment June 29 14:30 122
258 Zen Aurora The influence of the entrepreneurship ecosystem on entrepreneur’s behavior: a study in the Brazilian mobile app industry July 1 09:30 212
338 Zen Aurora Resources for the Internationalization of smes in Emerging Countries June 30 15:30 113
Friday 30th June
Venue: San Agustin Auditorium, Catholic University of Argentina

(Address: Alicia Moreau de Justo 1500)

8:30 to 9:30 hs: The Wilford White Fellows Session: A Tete-á-tete–Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow in Small Business & Entrepreneurship research”

The voices of experiences speak. A conversation about issues, current trends and new developments in small business and entrepreneurship. Where are we headed in the next 10 years and areas of possible research.


Zulma Quiñones – Past President of ICSB and member of the Wilford White Fellows


Charles H. Matthews – Distinguished Teaching Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management,                                                                                                 Founder Center for Entrepreneurship Education & Research (Executive Director                                                                                                       1997- 2013; Director; Small Business Institute® 1982-2013),                                                                                                                                           Lindner College of Business, U. of Cincinnati

Zoltan J. Acs –
 University Professor and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Public Policy (CEPP) at                                                                         the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University and                                                                                                             former Chief Economist at the Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration

Hanns PicherProfessor of Vienna University of Economics & Business

Brian Gibson –
 Senior Director of Research, Top Education Institute, Sydney, Australia

Zulma Quiñones Rivera–Howell Director of the Graduate Student Success & Research Center (GSS&RC) and Professor of                                                                                       Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and International Business

George T. Solomon Professor of Management and co-founder and Director for the Center for Entrepreneurial  Excellence (CFEE)                                                  The George Washington University School of Business            

Rodrigo Varela Villegas
Director Center for Entrepreneurship Devlopment at Universidad Icesi

K. Mark WeaverFormer Ben May Chair of Entrepreneurship and Executive Director of the Melton Center for Innovation and                                                     Entrepreneurship at Mitchell College of Business at the University of South Alabama
