

62nd ICSB World Conference

“Towards a new world mobilized by innovative SMEs and Entrepreneurs”

Buenos Aires, June 28th – July 1st, 2017


June 29

Last Name First Name Title DAY TIME ROOM
Alves Jeffrey University Presidents and Deans Workshop June 29 14:30 220
National Institute of Industrial Technology (Argentina) New Training Strategies on Management Technologies June 29 14:30 218
Roberts Joe Entrepreneurship & Arts June 29 14:30 216
McClure Franklin, Geralyn & Kelley, Donna The Current State of Women’s Entrepreneurship, with Simara Maria de S. S. Greco, Vesna Mandakovic & Helena Estrada June 29 14:30 116
Smartly Consulting Sustainable Development in SMEs June 29 14:30 217
Iandoli Luca ICSB Global Academy and Certificate Programs June 29 15:30 220
Passerini Katia Sustaining Communities: The Role of Mobile Communication Apps in Fostering Entrepreneurial Solutions to Local Development June 29 15:30 217

June 30

Last Name First Name Title DAY TIME ROOM
Solomon George JSBM Meet the Editors Workshop June 30 14:30 128
Capps Jennifer Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities Outside of Typical Student Comfort Zones June 30 14: 30 101
CAME (Argentinean Chamber of SMEs) Las Pymes y su rol estratégico en un contexto de transformación productiva June 30 14:30 217
National Secretary of SMEs (Argentina) Institutions, Clusters and Innovation Approach. The Argentine Local Productive System June 30 14:30 102
Passerini Katia OLE June 30 14:30 216
Kim Ki-Chan Humane Entrepreneurship Workshop June 30 14:30 116
Martin Lorna Developing tools for financial inclusion: the role of Banco Nación June 30 15:30 128
Capps Jennifer Leadership and Communication in Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Teams June 30 15: 30 101
Tarabishy Ayman Centers and Garages June 30 15:30 216

July 1


Last Name First Name Title DAY TIME ROOM
Gosende Dolores Design Thiking, hacia una cultura más Innovadora July 1 9:30 Room 1 San Agustin Building
Escobales Lisa Estudiantes Universitarios Emprendedores con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad: estrategias de enseñanza para el éxito emprendedor July 1 9:30 Room 2 San Agustin Building
Figueroa Rivero Eileen Encuentros de Mujeres Empresarias: Poderosa herramienta para potenciar emprendimiento en la mujer July 1 9:30 Auditorium San Agustin Building
Henschel Thomas Governance, Risk & Compliance Quick Check for smes July 1 09:30 202
George T Salomon & Ayman El Tarabishi Cross Campus Initiatives: The Case for an undergraduate Interdisciplinary minor in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship July 1 14:30 117


ICSB 2017 Conference Women’s Panel

Thursday, June 29th  14:30 to 16:30 hs Parallel Workshops (San Agustín & San José Building)
14:30    The Current State of Women’s Entrepreneurship, Geralyn McClure Franklin & Donna Kelley, with Simara Maria de S. S. Greco, Vesna Mandakovic & Helena Estrada
   The Current State of Women’s Entrepreneurship


Geralyn McClure Franklin, Senior Vice President for Finance & Control, ICSB


Donna Kelley, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Babson College, United States

Helena Estrada, Adviser, Center for the Economic Development of Women, Department of Small and Medium Sized Businesses in Ministry of Production, Argentina.

Simara Maria de S. S. Greco, Coordinator of Programs, Brazilian Institute of Quality and Productivity, Brazil

Vesna Mandakovic, Academic Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship Institute of Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

Across 74 economies featured in the upcoming 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Women’s report, there are an estimated 163 million women starting and running new businesses and 111 million running mature ones. Among those economies featured in both this report and the previous one issued two years earlier, women’s entrepreneurship rates have increased and the gender gap has narrowed. Still, challenges remain in enabling women to enact their entrepreneurial ambitions and achieve the full potential underlying their opportunities.

Women entrepreneurs create jobs, introduce innovations into their societies, and generate income for themselves and their stakeholders. As such, they are substantial contributors to the development and stability of their economies and the wellbeing of their communities. But how much do we know about what contributes toward more or better female entrepreneurship? How is women’s entrepreneurship being addressed and by whom?

Academic research has uncovered a variety of influencers on female entrepreneurship activity, for example: work-family policies, female political empowerment and economic participation, and gender-specific norms. The private sector (Goldman Sachs, Coca Cola, Microsoft), foundations and governments have developed programs to provide training, mentoring, connections, services and finance to women entrepreneurs. The United Nations, World Bank, World Economic Forum and OECD have published reports and initiated programs to research and develop women entrepreneurs. But are we doing enough to promote and support women entrepreneurs? What can we do, and do better?

Geralyn McClure Franklin is an innovative and experienced academic leader, serving as dean of business at three American institutions for 11 1/2 years and interim dean at another for two years, before retiring in the State of Texas in 2014.  From 2014-2016, she led the College of Business and Economics at the United Arab Emirates University. With more than 30 years of academic and entrepreneurship experience as a dean, associate dean, department chair, faculty member, and advisor, Dr. Franklin is now consulting with business schools and universities in the United States and globally as well as supporting several entrepreneurial ventures through her own start-up GMF Academic Advisors, LLC.  As an academic, Dr. Franklin has published more than 80 journal articles and 50 conference proceedings on human resource management, employment law, and small and entrepreneurial issues. Professionally, she remains active in AACSB International, previously serving two elected terms on the board of directors and currently serving as a mentor for schools in the initial business accreditation process. Since June 2012, Dr. Franklin has been the senior vice president of finance and control for the International Council for Small Business (ICSB).  As of July 1, 2017, she will become ICSB’s president-elect.

Helena Estrada serves as Adviser to the Center for the Economic Development of Women in the Department of Small and Medium Sized Businesses in the Ministry of Production, Argentina. The Center aims to motivate to motivate the economic autonomy of women and promote greater participation and equity for women within the economy. Prior to this position, Helena. participated in the G25, an organization that advocates ethical and capable people in the private sector to go into public careers. She later created the Women G25 organization to inspire women to participate in politics. It now has 8,500 members. Ms. Estrada received a law degree from the Catholic University of Argentina in 2009. She also holds Master’s Degree in Capital and Finance at ESEADE.

Vesna Mandakovic is the Academic Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in Chile and an Assistant Professor in the Entrepreneurship Institute of Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile. Her research interests are in the study of entrepreneurial activity and the analysis of how public policy and programs influence the creation of new business ventures in developing economies, trying to identify which policies are actually successful in stimulating rates of entrepreneurship from an empirical perspective.

Donna Kelley is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at Babson College, and holds the Frederic C. Hamilton Chair of Free Enterprise. Prof. Kelley is a board member of the Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA), the oversight board of GEM, and leader of the GEM US team. She has co-authored GEM reports on global entrepreneurship, ambitious and innovative entrepreneurs, women’s entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and training, and entrepreneurship in the US, Korea, Europe and Africa. She is a frequent presenter on the topic of global entrepreneurship for executive, policy and academic audiences around the world, including the United Nations, the US State Department, the World Bank, and many other organizations. Her current research interests include examining the impact of policy and other ecosystem conditions on the rate and nature of entrepreneurship in a society. Prof. Kelley’s early career involved work as a chemist and in entrepreneurship ventures in the health/fitness, computer data storage and education fields.

Simara Greco has been the Coordinator of Programs at the Brazilian Institute of Quality and Productivity (IBQP) since 2000, having original and main responsibility for conducting the GEM Project. The GEM Team in Brazil has been very successful during an uninterrupted 14 years of participation when 13 national reports were published and released to representative sectors of the Brazilian community. Before working for IBQP, Simara completed 25 years of professional experience, most of which was managing social programs and research aimed to the productive sector.  She graduated in Social Science from the Catholic University of Paraná, in Statistics from the Federal University of Paraná, and as a post graduate in Management with emphasis in Economic Engineering from FAE.
